iPair/iPair+ sample submissions
Submitting your samples for iPair or iPair+ single cell immune sequencing services? Download the forms below to complete and return to iRepertoire through email and with your sample shipment. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
iPair/iPair+ Service
Submission Form
For cell plating by iRepertoire
Please complete this form and print a copy to be included with your shipment of bulk cells.
Once you have a tracking number, please email info@irepertoire.com with your tracking number and a digital copy of the submission form.
iPair Plate Map
Submission Form
For cell plating at your site
Please complete and include a copy of this form with your iCapture plate shipment. Email your tracking number and copy of your form to info@irepertoire.com.
For multiple plates, you can make copies of this sheet. Be sure to label the sheet tab with the plate label.