September 2, 2020 | News

Translational Dx: Advances in Multi-Omic Oncology

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Join us at a new Virtual Summit, hosted by Samba Scientific. iRepertoire’s own Director of R&D and Operations Manager Miranda Byrne-Steele will present on September 23rd, followed by a live Q&A session. Sign up now for this new free summit on the latest advances in translational oncology tools. We’re looking forward to seeing you there! Check out our virtual booth, networking sessions, and more live presentations from industry experts.

Featured presentation

“Predicting treatment response from matched FFPE-PBMC renal cancer samples with 7-chain immune repertoire profiling”

September 23rd, 2020


It has been well-established that cancer and certain cancer treatments result in a shifting distribution of B cell and T cell clonotypes, which can be monitored via immune repertoire sequencing. In this presentation, Dr. Miranda Byrne-Steele of iRepertoire will discuss data indicating that patients who respond positively to renal cancer treatment exhibit distinct immune repertoire signatures. Those signatures can be quantified for all seven immune repertoire chains simultaneously via a novel PCR multiplexing approach called dam-PCR. dam-PCR utilizes novel dimer exclusion and error correction technologies in order to provide, repeatable, reduced-biased amplification capable of quantification, even for RNA samples that are limited or damaged as is common for FFPE. In treated patients, immune repertoire diversity—the relative distribution of different immune cell clonotypes—as well as changes in the expression levels of the tumor and PBMC matched clonotypes are predictive of treatment response.


Miranda Byrne-Steele is the Director of R&D and Operations at iRepertoire Inc.

iRepertoire Inc., is a biotechnology company focused on analyzing the immune system using next generation sequencing. She was the co-developer of iRepertoire’s single cell service, iPair, and several patent-pending technologies related to comprehensive immune profiling.